Piles are blood vessels located at the end of the rectum, just inside the anus. While all of us have them, the medical condition referred to as piles, also known as haemorrhoids, occurs when they become swollen.
Piles are blood vessels located at the end of the rectum, just inside the anus. While all of us have them, the medical condition referred to as piles, also known as haemorrhoids, occurs when they become swollen.
Minimally invasive surgery carried by very small incision is used to access the site of surgery, causing overall less injury and early recovery. Whereas In the traditional form of surgery, called open surgery, surgeons typically make a large incision that allows complete access to the organ or area being operated upon.
The pancreas is a critical organ that plays an important role in the digestive processes and in regulating blood sugar. As a treatment option, surgery for pancreas is usually undertaken to remove life-threatening tumours and infected tissues in the organ.
Thyroid gland is considered to be an important gland in our body. It is placed in the lower part of our neck. It is responsible for development of thyroid hormone and it also controls metabolism. The surgery of thyroid may be advised for the cancer of thyroid or non malignant nodules where a hard or soft fluid filled lump is formed inside the thyroid gland due to abnormal growth of thyroid cells. The surgery may also be required for goiters or large thyroid, hyperthyroidism or excessive active thyroid and cysts. There are times when surgery becomes necessary when there is a possibility of thyroid cancer.
The concept of sports hernia is far beyond the real hernia. When there is a disruption or tearing in the groin’s tendons and muscles of athletes, it is known as Sports hernia or Gilmore’s Groin or Sportsman’s Hernia. The injury may be any of these types:
Conjoined tendon tear
Oblique aponeurosis external tear
When conjoined tendon gets separated from the tender pubic tubercle
When conjoined tendon gets separated from inguinal ligament
Several patients have concomitant tear or injury to adductor muscle
Constipation is a condition in which the patient experiences difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually due to hardened faeces.
Colon cancer is said to be the third most common cancer in the world, and is named as the second leading cause of death due to cancer. This form of cancer, also referred to as colorectal cancer, has no visible symptoms in the early stages of its growth, making regular screening for pre-cancerous growths in the colon vital for the cancer’s early detection.
Treatment of Sleep Arena in Normal Cases could be Simply by Altering your Life Style Like:
Better sleeping positions to facilitate better breathing.
Controlling weight
Controlling acid reflux
Restricting intake of sleeping pills, alcohol, caffeinated products etc
It is possible today to treat deafness with a variety of surgical procedures, depending on nature of hearing loss, its cause and the severity.
Muscles of our abdomen are strong enough to keep organs, intestines and their contents in proper positions. But, due to some reasons, these intra-abdominal contents can get pushed out from a wakened spot in a muscle giving rise to what we call Hernia.
Having a child with a hearing loss, is definitely a stressful journey for parents to walk through. Seeking for medical help, and making arrangements to choose a hearing aid accordingly, will not be an easy task, since it carries a completely different subject. In this article, the factors which should be kept in mind, in such a scenario are described in a nut shell.
How lovely it would be to have a swim in a pool full of blue water, in a sunny, hot day? But what if it really carries harmful effects on our body if water enters into the ears and nose and get trapped inside?
A Throat cancer is defined as a malignant growth which develops in the pharynx, larynx, epiglottis or tonsils. The main risk factors for the condition can be classified into modifiable and non-modifiable ones. Non-modifiable risk factors mainly include gender, age and race. It is a well-known fact that men are 5 times more susceptible to develop throat cancers compared to women, whereas the most cases identified are above 65 years of age.
Ear, is the organ which gives us the ability to hear and maintain the balance. Therefore, any anatomical or mechanical problem involving the ears can give rise to symptoms like ear pain, itching in the ear, ear block, complete or partial loss of hearing and ringing sensation in the ear (tinnitus).
Are you also a person who comes out of the wash room with tears in your eyes? Is your bowel movement so painful that you tend to avoid solid food in order to stay away from your daily needs?
Appendicitis, is defined as the inflammation of appendix, a pear shaped like structure located adjacent to the large intestine, at the lower right side of abdomen (right iliac fossa).
Colorectal cancer, also known as Bowel cancer can be defined as any cancerous growth, affecting the colon (large bowel) and rectum (back passage). Most of these cancers begin as innocent growths, polyps on the wall of bowel, which can later develop into life-threatening malignancies.
As we get older, several changes take place in the body and its functions. Hearing and vision are two essential aspects of life, which will get weakened this way, over time, making a huge negative impact on the quality of life and therefore it is highly important to take extra care of these organs.
In this article, we are going to discuss about the age-related hearing loss and valuable tips on dealing with it effectively.
Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder (organ which digests fatty food we eat and also stores bile), mainly due to obstruction caused by gallbladder stones. When this takes place, over and over again with prolong episodes, it is known as chronic cholecystitis.
Have you ever started sneezing all of a sudden with a runny nose on top of that which is just enough to make your day worse? The question becomes more confusing when you cannot recall any particular reason for those changes to occur at once.
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