The 3 Most Common Types of Abdominal Hernias in Men


When a fatty tissue or an organ squeezes through a spot in a connective tissue called a fascia, or in a surrounding muscle, a hernia is caused. There are many different types of hernia, but in men, there are three types that occur most commonly. These are inguinal hernia or inner groin hernia, hiatal hernias or hernias or the upper stomach and incisional hernia, which result from an incision.

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What to Expect Before and After Hernia Surgery


A hernia surgery is usually a fairly minimally invasive one, the goal of which is to repair the weak tissue situated in your abdominal wall so that your intestines or other such tissue is not able to push through again. The earlier you choose to repair the hernia, the smaller the size of the hernia, and thus, lesser trauma from surgery. Surgery on smaller hernias need less recovery time, and that is why it is wise to seek medical attention sooner rather than later.

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Why Is An Inguinal Hernia More Common In Men Than In Women?


An inguinal hernia takes place when soft tissue tends to protrude through a weak portion of the abdominal muscles. This soft tissue could either be part of the intestine or part of the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity (omentum). What results is a bulge which tends to be fairly painful when you bend over, cough or lift a heavy object. According to research, men are 10 times more likely to develop an inguinal hernia than a woman. Let’s explore why.

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Types of Hernia – How Are They Recognized?


A hernia is a protrusion of tissue through a wall of muscle. Most hernias occur in the abdominal region. They are observed as a small lump that might disappear when the patient lies down or when the lump is pressed. Some hernias are painful, especially when the patient bends, coughs, or lifts weights.

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Signs and Symptoms of Hernia in your Child


Two types of hernia commonly found in children are Inguinal hernia and Umbilical hernia. Most medical literature indicates that in many cases, inguinal hernias affecting a child do not show any obvious symptoms. However, you as the parent of a child should be alert if you see your child straining to cry or cough, straining during bowel movements, or displaying a visible bulge in the tummy or belly button region when standing upright.

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How is the use of Mesh Helpful During a Hernia Surgery?


In the pre-Laparoscopic Age, a Hernia repair surgery always left a strong possibility of post-operative infections and related complications. With the recent advancements in Hernia repair surgery, the use of a plastic or fabric mesh in both Open and Laparoscopic Hernia surgery has somewhat reduced that possibility.

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XYZ has been Detected with Hernia, what is Next? A beginners Guide


A hernia condition is generally accompanied by a certain part of an internal organ protruding through a weak opening in another part of the body. Among the many types of hernias, the most commonly occurring type makes intestine stick out through a weakness in the wall of the abdomen.

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What type of Abdominal Pain is a Symptom of Hernia?


Hernias are fairly common, affecting both adults and children. A hernia is caused when any part of an internal organ,typically the stomach or the intestines, pushes through a weak point in its surrounding tissue or walls and protrudes. Hernias occur in the area between the chest and hips– the abdomen, groin, and upper thigh. Abdominal pain along with lump is one of the common symptom of hernia.

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The Best way to Treat Sports Hernia


The concept of sports hernia is far beyond the real hernia. When there is a disruption or tearing in the groin’s tendons and muscles of athletes, it is known as Sports hernia or Gilmore’s Groin or Sportsman’s Hernia. The injury may be any of these types:

Conjoined tendon tear
    Oblique aponeurosis external tear
    When conjoined tendon gets separated from the tender pubic tubercle
    When conjoined tendon gets separated from inguinal ligament
    Several patients have concomitant tear or injury to adductor muscle

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Femoral Hernia Symptoms and Causes


Muscles of our abdomen are strong enough to keep organs, intestines and their contents in proper positions. But, due to some reasons, these intra-abdominal contents can get pushed out from a wakened spot in a muscle giving rise to what we call Hernia.

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