Kishor Kumar Das
I had surgery of my left hydrocele on 27th sep 2017 by Dr Nitish Jhawar. An excellent experience of service I got particularly from Dr Jhawar. He is not only a qualified experienced doctor but also a splendid human being. Thanks a lot.
Siddappa A. Hasbi
It was a Laparoscopic operation for the removal of Gall Bladder (stones). I had developed on and off pain in abdomen before the operation, after the operation feeling good, totally pain free. Thanks and respect for handling my case very well.

Gurdeep Kaur
I had Pain in Gallbladder and treated by Dr. Nitish Jhawar on the best doctor in Navi Mumbai. After the operation i was feeling very good. My best wishes to doctor.
Ramesh Sonawane
मला एक वर्ष पासून मुळव्यादचा त्रास होता मी बाहेर खूप उपचार केले परंतु मला थोडा हि फायदा झाला नाही तर मला एक वेक्तीनि सांगितले कि वाशी मध्ये डॉक्टर नितीश झावर याना भेटायला सांगितले याना भेटल्यानंतर माझे ऑपेरेशन करून एकदम ठीक केले आहे आणि मला कुठल्या हि त्रास नाही झाल्याने डॉक्टर नितीश झावर ला खूप खूप धन्यवाद.

Very good he describe everything in very pleasant manner about the problem which was very helpful to me to understand my disease.
Ramesh Shinde
I got diagnosed about a year back but was avoiding operation for Hernia repair, Dr Nitish Jhawar explained me why surgery should be done and I chose surgery by laparoscopy method. I am happy with the doctor and the hospital.

Meeresh Shah
I met doctor Nitish for piles problem and wanted to undergo LASER procedure only, my operation is successful and I thank doctor for being a good human being and great surgeon.
I was suffering from piles since long time. For bleeding heavily I met Dr Nitish Jhawar and after meeting him decided to go for Stapler surgery for piles. I found him a doctor who listens to our problem and explains properly.

Nandini S
I visited for Gall Bladder removal by Laparoscopy after searching for best laparoscopic surgeon. After meeting dr my fear for surgery was vanished and my surgery went well and recovery was smooth.
Practo user
Honest doctor, expert in his field....can trust his words.

Visited For Gastroparesis
Very good he describe everything in very pleasant manner about the problem which was very helpful to me to understand my disease.
Practo user
Very nice. Doctor is very patient and gives you correct advice.

I was diagnosed with gall stones a year ago in Delhi, I showed it to a doctor at M.... hospital, he .... asked me to get a surgery done and get my gall removed on any date of my choice, I was sacred and too young to get it done I got a vibe from doctor that for him it’s just a small things, however according to for a patient it’s important first be convinced on the urgency to get it done and feel safe . Dr Nitish examined the scan, explained me and my husband about the condition and need of surgery or else the stone Would have slipped in the panacea or bile calling for a bigger operation. He is a very experienced and fine surgeon , he is caring and doesn’t create panic at all rather he takes it slowly and makes patient comfortable. It was lapro, it’s been 2 months I m writing this . I faced no issues till now. Fortis staff was also very caring and good. I would mention fortis Vashi in specific. Good follow up diet makes it normal. I would strongly recommend Dr Nitish. He knows his job perfectly. He is not money minded at all. He would recommend surgery only if it’s required.
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