Dr. Nitish JhawarFellow Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Colorectal fellow USA
Contact Information
+91 9930997704 | +91 9821624323 info@neoalta.comDr. Nitish Jhawar
(Fellow Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery & SILS)
(Fellow Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery & SILS)
Dr Nitish Jhawar is a Senior Laparoscopic & colorectal surgeon at Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai. Teacher for Post graduate fellowship MUHS in Colorectal Surgery (Zen Hospital, Mumbai), Neoalta Specialty Clinic Laparoscopic, Hernia, Colorectal clinic and Pelvic Floor Lab with more than 18 years of surgical experience Trained in DGHAL treatment of hemorrhoids, Bludenz, Austria. Trained on TAMIS in Berlin Germany. Trained in VAAFT (Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment) by P. Meinero (inventor VAAFT) Berlin Germany.
Apollo Hospital | Navi Mumbai | 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM & 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM (Daily) | |
Neoalta Specialty Clinic | Vashi | 07:30 PM - 09:30 PM (Except Wednesday/Friday) |
Neoalta clinic | Seawoods | 07:30 PM - 10:00 PM (Wednesday/Friday) | |
Zen Multispecialty Hospital | Chembur | Tuesdays by appointment |

Laparoscopy Performed

Piles and Fistula Treated

Hernia Surgery Performed
Area of Expertise

Abdomen & Gastroenterology
- Laparoscopic Appendix and Gall Bladder Surgery
- Laparoscopic & Hernia repair
- Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia repair and surgery for GERD
- Piles painless DGHAL
- Stapler (MIPH) and LASER
- Fissure and Fistula
General Surgeries
- Breast and Thyroid
- Varicose veins
- Diabetic foot
Live Workshops

- Demonstrated Live #STARR surgery for constipation and rectal prolapse in MASICON Jan 2018, attended by over 1500 surgeons all over Maharashtra
- Demonstrated LIVE LASER PILES SURGERY in operative workshop Master class in ZEN Hospital Chembur & delivered Lecture on non-surgical treatment of Hemorrhoids. Live streaming of the same was done in India & abroad on 17th Aug 2017
- Conducted Live Operative workshop on Painless Piles Surgery using Stapler / DGHAL and provided Hands on Training to general surgeons on simulator for Piles stapler and DGHAL surgery at FORTIS Hiranandani Hospital Vashi in may 2017
- Conducted LIVE operative workshop on painless piles surgery using Stapler & DGHAL in FORTIS Hiranandani Hospital Vashi May 2017
- Demonstrated LIVE Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery (TAPP) at Hernia workshop organized by ZEN Hospital Chembur Mumbai to more than 100 hernia surgeons from western India in May 2017.
- Demonstrated live surgery on DGHAL for Hemorrhoids on Third generation Triology equipment and participated in panel discussion on the Treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles) at Colorectal surgeons meeting at Hyatt Regency Mumbai organized by Zen Hospital, Chembur, Mumbai in Feb 2017
- Organized workshop on Colorectal Update Series under aegis of Association of Colorectal Surgeons of India in Feb 2010 at Fortis Hiranandani Hospital Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Association of surgeons of India (ASI)
Association of Minimal Access Surgeon of India
Association of colorectal surgeons of India
Navi-Mumbai surgical society
Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeon
Organized workshop on colorectal update series under aegis of Association of Colorectal surgeons of India in Feb 2010.
Received BEST PAPER AWARD for for
Received BEST PAPER AWARD for for "Laparoscopic diaphragmatic Hernia repair" at 4th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India held at Grand Hyatt Hotel, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, On 30th Aug 2009
- Dr.Nitish Jhawar has completed his M.S. in general surgery from M.G.M. Medical College, Indore in 2000.
- Simulated training program on Proximate Staplers including Hands on training at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education Mumbai India. June, 2001
- Worked in Cancer surgery Department of Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre Mumbai (Oct. 2001 to June.2002)
- Hands on workshop on ‘Basic Surgical Skill development Training Course’ at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education Mumbai India. Sept. 2002.
- “Hands on workshop of Minimal Access Aesthetic Surgery”, Mumbai, Nov., 2002.
- Worked in General, Gastro-Intestinal & Laparoscopic Surgery Department of Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre Mumbai (July 2002 to Jan 2003).
- Hands on Basic Laparoscopic Surgery Course for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy & Approach to Appendix at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education Mumbai India. Feb, 2003.
- ‘Minimal Access Surgery’ training course at Sir Gangaram Hospital Delhi with Padmashree Dr. PradeepChowbey May- June 2006.
- Simulated training program on MIPH Masters Program (for Haemorrhoids) at ETHICON ENDOSURGERY Mumbai on 17th Feb 2007.
- Attended Surgical Training course on HAL – RAR Procedure (Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation & Recto Anal Repair) 29th December 2009 at Ratandeep Surgical Hospital & Endoscopy Clinic , Ahmadabad, India.
- Simulated training program on “Laparoscopic Solid Organ surgery” at Ethicon Endosurgery, 2009
- Training on DGHAL treatment of haemorrhoids, Bludenz Austria.
- Training on TAMIS, Hands on workshop in Berlin Germany. Training in VAAFT( Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment) by P. Meinero.( inventor VAAFT) Berlin Germany.
- Awarded Travelling Fellowship by Association of Colorectal Surgeon of India to visit St. Francis Hospital Hartford Connecticut USA 2015.
- Presented a paper on "Role of CA-15-3 in Diagnosis Of Carcinoma Breast" at XVI Annual conference of ASI, MP chapter - FEB 1999.
- Published a case report on "Primary Leiomyosarcoma" in Bombay Hospital Journal, vol. 44, no.4, in 2002.
- Presented Poster at Annual Conference of Indian Occupational Health Raigad- Navi-Mumbai on "Pseudotumour Bronchus Presenting as Collapse Lung" Case Report & Review of literature Nov. 23rd 2003.
- Advance Instructional course in Colo-Proctolgy at Goa on 23rd Sept -27th Sept 2009.
- Chaired scientific session on ‘Management Of Tracheobronchial Stenosis’ at
Bronchoscopy CME, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, on 30th Aug 2009. - Received BEST PAPER AWARD for "Laparoscopic Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair" at 4th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India held at Grand Hyatt Mumbai, on 21st-24th May 2009
- Presented a paper on "Series Of Diaphragmatic Hernia Cases Repaired Laparoscopically" at MASICON 2009 (30th jan-1st Feb), held at Aurangabad, on 31st Jan, 2009.
- Published unusual case " Boerhaave's Syndrome: Thoraco-Laparoscopic Approach"in Journal of Minimal Access Surg.2010;6:76-9
- Presented a paper on “Defecography” at MASICON 2010 at Sholapur
- Presented a paper on (STARR) “Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection Procedures” for Obstructive Defecation Syndrome at MASICON 2010 at Sholapur
- Received BEST PAPER AWARD for "Laparoscopic Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair" at 4th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India held at Grand Hyatt Hospital, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, On 30th Aug 2009.
- Participated in International Conference COLOPROCTOLOGY- 2011 Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 3rd – 5th March 2011.
- Presented a Poster on “Case Series – Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery” , MASICON 2012 , 26th – 29th January , Hotel Marriott, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Presented a Video on “Foramen of Winslow Hernia : Rare Laparoscopic Approach”.
- MASICON 2012 , 26th -29th January 2012.
- Participated in the “Basic Luminal Endoscopy Live Course and Hands On Endoscopy Programme organized by Endoscopy Asia and Conducted at EISE, Mumbai , India on 9th& 10th June 2012.
- Delivered Lecture on "STARR & ODS in Indian Medical Association Chembur" on 25th May 2014 in Chembur, Mumbai
- Attended PSG SURGICON-2014 Lap Colorectal Workshop (Surgeon Prof Joel Leroy ) on 18,19 & 20th July 2014 organized by Department of General & G I Surgery, PSG IMSR Coimbatore , India
- Attended “ Professional Affair & Clinical Education (PACE) Bariatric Programme” on 4-5th August 2014. Dr. Pradeep Chowbey Max Healthcare Saket , New Delhi , India.
- Attended S2S visitation program : Hernia Surgery from Boston University School of Medicine on 21st Feb. 2015.
Attended AMASICON held in Mumbai Nov. 2015. - Guest speaker on "Stapler Complications in Colorectal Surgery" International conference held at Jaipur of international society of Coloproctology (ISCP) April, 2016
- Endoscopic Sphincter saving procedure VAFFT (video assisted anal fistula treatment) and EPSIT( Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment) in June 2016
- Lectures on Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy and Minimally Invasive Complex Fistula Treatment (LIFT) at Kolhapur surgical society meeting in July 2016
- Delivered Lecture on ODS, Anorectal Manometry and LASER treatment of Anorectal Disorders at IMA Navi Mumbai CME in Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
- Invited Speaker at " The East Africa Medic Summit 2016" held at Nairobi Kenya to speak on "Laparoscopic Hiatal Antireflux Surgery " and " Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Surgery ".
- Delivered a lecture on his experience on laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Surgery and interacted with fellow surgeons from MP & Chattisgarh in LAPAROSCOPIC HERNIA SURGERY workshop organized by ZEN Hospital Chembur Mumbai in march 2017.
- Presented a lecture /video on Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy at APELS Lower GI Workshop held at Bangkok in March 2017
- Delivered lecture on obstructive defecation syndrome & STARR surgery at 21st ACRSI FELLOWSHIP COURSE by Association of Colo Rectal Surgeons Of India in COLOPROCTOLOGY CONFERENCE held at Ajmer, Rajasthan, India in April 2017
- Delivered lecture on various modalities of Hernia management and prudent use of Laparoscopy & Component Separation in complicated, recurrent & large hernias in a CME organized by IMA Navi Mumbai in April 2017
- Delivered lecture on Recent Advances in Colo Proctology including LASER treatment in a CME for MBBS family doctors in Sept 2017
- Spoke on Piles stapler (MIPH) surgery and demonstrated live surgery on Stapler Hemorrhoidal Surgery at Zen Multi Speciality Hospital, Chembur, Mumbai in a CME on hemorrhoids in Nov 2017
- Guest speaker on Piles, Fistul, Fissure treatment at Surgery department of D.Y. Patil Ayurvedic Hospital Nerul Navi Mumbai on occasion of world Piles day in Nov 2017
- Spoke on LASER in Proctology for nonsurgical treatment of piles, fistula, fissure and pilonidal sinus. at a CME organized by IMA Navi Mumbai in Dec 2017
- Delivered a lecture on complications of stapler surgery for Piles/Constipation at MASICON 2018, @ Grand Hyatt Mumbai
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