Common Causes of Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss


Sensorineural hearing loss is usually more common amongst older people with 23% of people older than 65 years suffering from this condition. Sensorineural is a term indicating lesion in the eight nerve or cochlear. However, sensorineural hearing loss is common in children as well, and most common cause is genetic.

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2684 Hits

Guidelines for Clinical Application of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery


Extreme obesity can have severe consequences on health and life expectancy of an individual. Unfortunately, extreme obesity has taken almost epidemic proportions on a global scale, and there is a need for a solution that can deliver substantial weight loss quickly.

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1867 Hits

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: IBS Symptoms Diet and Treatment


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an affectation of the large intestine, and is quite a common problem. People suffering from IBS experience uncomfortable symptoms, but the condition does not alter bowel tissue or increase chances of getting colorectal cancer.

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3950 Hits

Vertigo and Hearing Loss


Vertigo or spinning type of dizziness can be caused by different disorders, and these disorders are mainly classified as central and peripheral. Central disorders are to do with issues in the brainstem or the brain, while in peripheral disorders the balance organ or inner ear is affected. Here are some of the main disorders that cause vertigo and hearing loss.

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2537 Hits

How Does Newborn Hearing Screening Testing Work


There are two types of newborn hearing screening tests, which are painless, safe, and quick to perform. They are –

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1768 Hits

Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Education


Colorectal cancer is cancer of the rectum or colon, and it is common in men as well as women. Fortunately, this type of cancer is for the most part preventable with regular screening. Various types of screening procedures are done for detecting precancerous growth in the intestines known as polyps. Removal of these polyps is the best way of preventing colorectal cancer development.

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2049 Hits

Advances and Developments in Laparoscopic Surgery in India


Laparoscopic or keyhole surgery has made operations much less invasive, which benefits the patient in many ways. However, since it became mainstream procedure, the traditional laparoscopic techniques have encountered certain limitations, which are as follows –

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3552 Hits

Easy Snoring Remedies: How to Stop Snoring


Snoring is quite common, and is caused by different reasons. Diagnosing why you snore will reveal the cause of your snoring and then you will know the steps you could take to remove this cause and stop snoring.

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2877 Hits

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment


Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is the most common type of sleep apnea. During sleep, it is natural for the muscles in the body to relax. However, in the throat, the airway is made up of soft tissue walls that are collapsible. When these soft tissues relax during sleep, they obstruct the passageway, causing obstructive sleep apnea.

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3452 Hits

Symptoms of Ear Nose and Throat Infection


Pouring Rains brings relief to hot temperatures of Mumbai but along with it mumbaikars see increase in Ear, Nose and Throat infections and thus results in increase number of patients visiting to ENT Specialists.

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3348 Hits

What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea


Sleep apnea affects more than 100 million people across the world, and almost 80% cases remain undiagnosed. Being a potentially serious sleep disorder, it is important to know whether you have sleep apnea and have it treated. Since males have larger circumference of neck and lengthier pharyngeal airway, they are more at risk of sleep apnea than females.

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3088 Hits

Rectal Bleeding: Symptoms Often Ignored Can Cause Serious Health Problems


Thousands of people worldwide suffer from a phenomenon called “rectal bleeding,” which may vary from a small amount of bleeding due to constipation or irritation in the rectum to a heavy bleeding due to a hidden tumor.

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1963 Hits

Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Digestive Health


The stomach is a critical part of the human anatomy, as it controls the entire digestive process.

The “belly region” plays a pivotal role in maintaining at least 50% of the body’s immune response, along with 25% of the body’s immune cells. The anatomical “gut” contains millions of bacteria which amount to about ten times of the cumber of human cells.

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2083 Hits

Tele-health: Technology-Enabled Remote Medial Consultations


Compared to the previous generations, the current generation is better-informed and more conscious about their health, especially now that technology has enabled remote diagnosis and doctor consultation through tele-health. Modern technology is certainly felt across the global healthcare spectrum as remote teams of specialists are sharing their professional wisdom to deliver the best possible healthcare at affordable costs.

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1773 Hits

Varicose Veins: What Most People May Not Know


What is part of public knowledge is that varicose veins are generally caused by inherent weaknesses like faulty valves in the vein. Frequently, this abnormal vein condition is accompanied by swollen and spiraling veins, which are highly visible to the naked eye. Deep blue or purple in color, these bulging veins in the legs cause severe cramps and stiffness in the legs.

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19240 Hits

Everyone Has Hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids is a fairly common health condition, which happens when the veins around the anus or rectum are swollen, colored, and painful or sometimes bleeding.

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3731 Hits

Tips for Recovering after Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal Surgery


The gallbladder, connected to the liver and intestines through bile ducts, plays an important role in the human digestive system. The main function of the gallbladder is to store a fluid known as “bile,” which aids the digestion of food materials, especially fat. Bile passes from the gallbladder to the intestines during the digestive process.

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14058 Hits

Diet Pills and Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss Isn’t for Everyone


In spite of an extremely fast-paced, modern lifestyle with immense activities, a large portion of the global population is suffering from obesity and associated health ailments. People who are overweight or ‘at risk’ of developing health problems generally want to take some drastic measures like taking diet pills or going through a bariatric (weight-loss) surgery to trim off the excess fat in their bodies. Read this article to find out the risks and dangers involved with diet pills or bariatric surgeries.

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2326 Hits

Gastrointestinal Conditions: Same or Different for Men and Women?


Most adults are too embarrassed to disclose their ‘trials and tribulations’ with regular bowel movements, but yes, it is true that most people, regardless of age, suffer from gastrointestinal problems. According to medical literature and healthcare articles, gastrointestinal or GI conditions seem to be more prevalent among women than among men.

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1641 Hits

5 Symptoms of a Sinus Infection and When to Visit the Doctor


Sinusitis, as most readers of this post know, is an inflamed condition of the sinus tissues. However, Sinusitis is often confused with rhinitis, which is a medical term used to describe inflammation and irritation of the nasal passage. When sinuses are infected and blocked, they get filled with fluid and other bacterial elements. This annoying health condition generally follows cold, allergy, a nose polyp, fever or a combination of these.

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4047 Hits

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