What is Incontinence And What Causes Incontinence?
The Bowel Incontinence is Impaired Ability to Control Gas or Stool.
There are many cause of incontinence and these include:
Injury to anal muscles during childbirth
Injury to nerves of the anal muscles during childbirth
Operations involving the anal region
Traumatic injury involving the anal region
Diseases affecting the nerves that control the anal muscles eg Diabetes, stroke
Stool consistency it is easier for the anal sphincter muscle hold on to solid stool, rather than liquid stool

How is the Cause of Incontinence Determined?
- Through history
- Examination of the anal region may identify an obvious injury to the anal muscles.
An ultrasound probe can be used within the anal area.
Anal manometry, (a small catheter placed into the anus to record pressure as patients relax and tighten the anal muscles) can demonstrate muscle strength.
Nerve function test for nerves supplying anal muscles
What can be done to correct the bowel incontinence?
- Dietary changes
- Avoid Constipating medications
- Muscle strengthening exercises
- Biofeedback to help patient sense when stool is ready to be evacuated and help strengthen the muscles.
- Surgical muscle repair
Artificial Anal Sphincter
When there is nerve damage or anal muscles are damaged beyond repair, an artificial sphincter may be implanted. The artificial sphincter is a plastic, fluid filled doughnut that is surgically implanted around the damaged anal sphincter. This artificial sphincter keeps the anal canal closed. When an individual wants to have a bowel movement, the fluid can be pumped out of the doughnut to allow the anal canal to open.Colostomy: In extreme cases colostomy may be the best option for improving the quality of life.
Our Specialist
Dr. Nitish Jhawar
Fellow Advance Laparoscopic Surgery
Fellow Colorectal Surgery USA
Senior Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
Phone No: +91 9322 229 159
Email Id: info@neoalta.com