Otitis Media With Effusion (OME) and Grommet Insertion

Medical treatment:
According to ‘American Academy of Otorhinology-Head and Neck Surgery’ (AAO-HNS):
Child is kept under observation with regular follow ups for first three months.
If condition lasts longer than 3 months, a hearing test is conducted and child re-evaluated. If hearing is within normal range (below 20 decibels) child is prescribed with antibiotics and kept on periodic check-ups for 4-6 months.
Management is aimed to encourage natural process; useful measures are-
Control of environment factors,
Management of allergy,
Nasal decongestant drops,
Valsalva’s maneuver (Forced expiration with both the mouth and nose closed -> Increased air pressure in nasopharynx -> opening of the Eustachian tube).
Surgical treatment: Myringotomy and ventilation tubes (Grommet)
Otitis Media (Ear Drum Perforation)
If the bones of hearing are eroded, then ossicular reconstruction (ossiculoplasty) using artificial bones or ossicles from donor may be necessary at the time of tympanoplasty.
Otosclerosis & Stepedectomy
Dr. Nitish Jhawar
Fellow Advance Laparoscopic Surgery
Fellow Colorectal Surgery USA
Senior Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
Phone No: +91 9322 229 159
Email Id: info@neoalta.com