Medicines for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

For mild cases of sleep apnea, doctors generally prescribe lifestyle changes like giving up smoking, controlling alcohol intake, or losing weight through dietary changes and regular exercise. Another common advice from the doctors is to treat cold allergies promptly to avoid aggravating the sleep apnea or snoring problems.
In cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring conditions, some other medicinal solutions are also available to the patients. Moreover, nasal airway pressure devices help in easy breathing. The goal of the airway pressure devices is to strengthen the weak breathing patterns in sleep apnea patients. Some of these devices can be configured to “deliver artificial breathing” when the patient fails to breathe after so many seconds. Here, you can find out how snoring and sleep apnea are treated in Neoalta’s Navi Mumbai Clinic.
Most medical experts seem to agree that mild to moderate cases of snoring and sleep apnea can be easily treated with medicines, some of which are discussed here:
Most medical experts seem to agree that mild to moderate cases of snoring and sleep apnea can be easily treated with medicines, some of which are discussed here:
Nasal Allergy medicines
People suffering from sleep apnea can take prescribed allergy medicines to reduce nasal allergies and promote undisturbed sleep.
Nasal sprays
Supplemental oxygen
Steam Inhalation
CPAP or breathing devices
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