Hear better…helping hearing impaired…
Working together to hear better may be tough on everyone. It will take time for hearing impaired person to get used to watching people as they talk and for people to get used to speaking louder and clear. Be patient and continue to work together.
Hear Better….
Enjoy everyday sound like bird chirping.
Watch television at same volume with others.
Feel at ease & confident in conversation.
Enjoy social gatherings and shopping.
Hearing aids are tiny instruments which make sounds louder. Quality of hearing aid is of utmost importance and it takes few days to adjust but eventually initial chaotic sound disappear and person is able to appreciate the difference.
Personal Listening Systems help you hear what you want to hear while eliminating other noises around you. Auditory training systems and loop systems make it easier to hear in a crowded room. FM systems and personal amplifiers are better for one-on-one conversations. Improving FM (frequency modulation) boosts the performance of hearing aid.
TV Listening Systems help you listen to the television or the radio without being disturbed by other noises around you. These systems can be used with or without hearing aids.
Direct audio input hearing aids are hearing aids that can be plugged into TVs, stereos, microphones, auditory trainers, and personal FM systems to help you hear better.
Telephone and mobile amplifying devices. If your hearing aid has a “T” switch, you can use a phone with an amplifying coil (T-coil) or mobile phone with a loop set. It allows you to listen at a comfortable volume and helps lessen background noise. Special type of telephone receiver and other devices are also available to make sounds louder on the phone.
Assistive listening systems. Many auditoriums, movie theaters, churches, synagogues, and other public places are equipped with special sound systems for people with hearing loss. These systems send sounds directly to your ears to help you hear better.
Lip reading or speech reading is another option.
Our Specialist
Dr. Nitish Jhawar
Fellow Advance Laparoscopic Surgery
Fellow Colorectal Surgery USA
Senior Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
Phone No: +91 9322 229 159
Email Id: info@neoalta.com